
Saddest Movie of All Time is ‘The Champ’

Researchers identify the "Saddest Movie of All Time."

According to science, “The Champ,” starring Jon Voight is the saddest movie ever made. The film is a 1979 remake, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, of the 1931 Academy Award-winning film of the same name which was directed by King Vidor.

In a study by psychology professors James Gross and Robert Levenson, the film has scientifically the most tearjerking scene of all – the guy dies in front of his son after winning the boxing trophy.

It turns out that it was necessary to use a movie clip to induce sadness. As CTV explains, due to so-called “ethics,” scientists are not technically allowed to “trick a subject into thinking something awful has happened in order to induce feelings of sadness.” Moviemakers, on the other hand, are actively encouraged to trick people into thinking awful things are happening, and psychologists can use the fruits of their labor to put together their own devious sadness experiments.

The final scene of 1978’s The Champ produced the highest levels of sadness, much greater than any other emotion and higher than in movies like Kramer vs. Kramer and Bambi, according to the study.

You can watch the emotional scene below but be sure you have a tissue near by:

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