
How Antioxidants Battle the Harmful Effects of Free Radicals

To avoid free radicals fully, we need to know just exactly what these free radicals are. It may sound sort of scientific but we are exposed to free radicals on a daily basis. Examples of free radicals are cigarette smoke, environmental polluntants, radiation and certain drugs. Having too much exposure to these things can cause damage to our health that’s why we need to avoid it by balancing free radicals with antioxidants. The easiest antioxidant we can get straight from the counter is Vitamin E!

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Vitamin E aids in repairing damaged skin cells. It also helps maintain the skin’s radiance and healthy glow. Aside from that, it also helps in maintaining the functions of blood vessels, brain and nervous system. It strengthens the immune system and promotes good eyesight. Lastly, it helps in preventing cancer, heart disease and stroke. Good thing it is easier to get a hold of Vitamin E supplements that are affordable and contains potent Vitamin E, good thing there’s Vita-E!

Vita-E has 400IU Vitamin E which is known to benefit our body greatly and protect the cells from harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin E—being a good antioxidant, maintains the radiance and glow which makes up for an even healthier skin despite the damage it has to endure in our everyday life. No need to worry when you have Vita-E. For a healthier you and a healthier skin, for an effortless beauty go E with Vita-E.

What’s even more amazing with Vita-E is—it’s in a holiday promo! Buy 5 soft gel capsules and you will get another 5 for free. That’s the same when you buy 10 soft gel capsules and you will get another 10 for free! So when you buy 1 box of Vita-E, you will get 1 box for free as well!

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Vita-E is high content 400 IU Vitamin E that is made more effective than other Vitamin E preparation. It is a product of extensive research and development with top quality from the collaborating group of ATC Healthcare International Corporation, Phil. United Pharmaceutical Corporation (PUPC) and The Bioscience and Technology Business Center together with KanPro Research Incorporated in the University of Kansas.

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Vita-E should be taken daily, before or after every meal, preferably with a warm glass of water. Available at all Mercury Drug, Watsons and other leading drugstores and supermarkets nationwide.

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Available at a special promo BUY ONE GET ONE for a LIMITED TIME OFFER only.

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